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Vic Schools - previous progression point scores within reports: Reference Previous Sentral Reports reporting period

Updated: 20/9/18
Important to Note: This requires Administrator access to Academic Reports

  • Go to Academic Reports > Academic Reports Setup > Reference Reporting Period 
  • Select the period from which you intend to draw previous scores and save to confirm:

In the data entry screen:

The classroom teacher will need to set the Source for the previous scores to the reference reporting period when entering assessment scores in order to view them. The scores will appear in the PREV column aligned to the subject or strand.

In the template:

Go to Academic Reports Setup > Layout > Report Templates.

On the Design page of your template, you will need to check the Progression Points component:

In the Subject Layouts you will need to check the Progression Point components:

Use the pencil icon to enter edit mode, and ensure that all of these components have Previous Score Source.

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