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  1. 3PIv4 NSW - automatic absences export

  2. A guide to using the Conflict Screen in PxP

  3. A new student is not appearing in the roll call but is in all other periods?

  4. A parent has submitted a Family Amendment Request, where does this go?

  5. A staff members preferred name is not showing – how do I fix this? - NSW Department of Education

  6. A student has changed classes in timetable, but I do not want this to reflect in reports?

  7. A student has left the school, how do I generate a report?

  8. A Student is shown against incorrect roll class – how do I fix this?

  9. A student's name and student code has changed

  10. Access timetable information via app

  11. Activity payments and permission on portal

  12. Address records are not correct or are missing, why?

  13. Allocating a credit - Front office

  14. Allocating a Subsidy against a Fee

  15. Allocating a subsidy to a student

  16. Allocating an overpayment

  17. Are student notes (added to enrolments) visible in profiles?

  18. Are there pre-requisites for using Continuous Assessment?

  19. Are we required to have a work flow for every excursion?

  20. Attendance - VIC Schools - Future Absence Requests defaulting to 211 Bereavement code

  21. Bank Queries List on GL Account - Red dot troubleshooting

  22. Banking funds

  23. Can I add a signature to a letter?

  24. Can a class have multiple teachers (eg. Job sharing)?

  25. Can a markbook be published to portal?

  26. Can a school logo to the Visitor label?

  27. Can a student Plan setup directly from an incident?

  28. Can an absence SMS be sent to more than 1 contact?

  29. Can an image or PDF of an asset be uploaded?

  30. Can approvers receive email alerts to approve an activity?

  31. Can deleted meetings be restored?

  32. Can duties in Timetables show in Timetables?

  33. Can electronic staff signatures be added to Activity letters?

  34. Can Flags be added for student with Plans?

  35. Can Global Approvers approve their own purchase order?

  36. Can I access Kiosk via an iPad?

  37. Can I access Visitor Kiosk via an iPad?

  38. Can I add a new inbuilt medicine so we can receive expiry alerts? - NSW Department of Education

  39. Can I add a witness for medication administration? - NSW Department of Education

  40. Can I add an attachment to a student plan?

  41. Can I add an interpreter required to Interviews?

  42. Can I add attachment to an incident?

  43. Can I add casual or relief staff to Sentral?

  44. Can I add confidential documents into a student's profiles?

  45. Can I add different levels of risk to an activity/excursion?

  46. Can I add house points tally to reports?

  47. Can I add Interview location and detail?

  48. Can I add more then one suspension type?

  49. Can I add points to an activity/excursion for House Points?

  50. Can I add the name of the staff member who issued an award?

  51. Can I add/track correspondence to an incident?

  52. Can I administer medication outside of school hours?

  53. Can I archive old purchase orders?

  54. Can I attach a Care Plan to a record or Student Profile?

  55. Can I attach files or documents to an Issue?

  56. Can I be notified when a Purchase Order has been approved?

  57. Can I book permanent rooms based on timetabling?

  58. Can I book resources for the new year?

  59. Can I bulk change venues in Activities?

  60. Can I bulk fill in PLP or IEP detail?

  61. Can I change a cycle for an Activity?

  62. Can I change the ‘Detention’ label to something better suited to my school’s behavioural system?

  63. Can I change the colour for events in calendars?

  64. Can I change the duration of my allocated times?

  65. Can I Change the participants or consulted with list?

  66. Can I change the template for meetings?

  67. Can I check Siblings or Same Names?

  68. Can I check whether staff members are able to receive Dashboard or Email notifications?

  69. Can I control who can create suppliers?

  70. Can I create a High school style report for Primary?

  71. Can I create additional surveys?

  72. Can I create an excursion with 2 dates?

  73. Can I create groups in Class Builder for camps and sports?

  74. Can I create my own custom messaging groups for Email and/or SMS?

  75. Can I create notes on my Purchase Orders?

  76. Can I deduct house points?

  77. Can I delete a faculty schema?

  78. Can I display a rubric in the portal?

  79. Can I display a rubric in the portal?

  80. Can I display Daily Staff Absences on the dashboard?

  81. Can I display rosters on the school dashboard?

  82. Can I display wellbeing incidents in the Portal?

  83. Can I download Guides?

  84. Can I edit a meeting?

  85. Can I edit and add more rows and columns?

  86. Can I edit check in and out times?

  87. Can I edit existing continuums to suit my school requirements?

  88. Can I edit the School Bulletin?

  89. Can I edit the Treated by list?

  90. Can I email Parents a Plan?

  91. Can I export a list of student or staff birthdays?

  92. Can I export data in Additional Fields Section or add to letters?

  93. Can I export Interview Notes?

  94. Can I export Issue Tracking data to an excel?

  95. Can I export Markbook results per student?

  96. Can I export markbooks?

  97. Can I export portal keys?

  98. Can I export staff details in Sentral set up?

  99. Can I generate a list of eldest student in family?

  100. Can I get analytics for a student?

  101. Can I hide awaiting delivery approval stage?

  102. Can I import a CSV into a markbook?

  103. Can I import a risk assessment form?

  104. Can I import an excel into Roster module?

  105. Can I import PAT Science results?

  106. Can I import Students from one activity to another?

  107. Can I import term dates & holidays?

  108. Can I Increase/reduce font size?

  109. Can I integrate with Complispace?

  110. Can I link curriculum outcomes to my tasks?

  111. Can I lock out staff from entering data before the reporting cycle ends?

  112. Can I log Staff Sick Bay entries?

  113. Can I make my own Continuums?

  114. Can I make payments in the app?

  115. Can I make the Attendance Component automatically update the reporting date range?

  116. Can I mark a roll in an activity?

  117. Can I mark a roll in PxP for Multi-Periods?

  118. Can I mark a roll on my mobile?

  119. Can I merge 2 calendars?

  120. Can I message a student or my class?

  121. Can I move a Markbook?

  122. Can I move an activity group to a new category?

  123. Can I move meetings between categories?

  124. Can I notify a student that they are on detention?

  125. Can I notify witnesses and victims in an incident?

  126. Can I place a student on a half day suspension?

  127. Can I print a meeting?

  128. Can I print a receipt on our cash register printer?

  129. Can I print an emergency care plan from Activities?

  130. Can I print Issue tracking reports?

  131. Can I print Plans?

  132. Can I publish a personal markbook to a faculty markbook?

  133. Can I publish student plans to the portal?

  134. Can I push invoices from Sentral to Xero Automatically?

  135. Can I receive inbound SMS messages?

  136. Can I remove a bulk absence?

  137. Can I remove assets in Asset Manager?

  138. Can I remove subject when I go to log and incident in wellbeing?

  139. Can I reorder calendars?

  140. Can I restrict access to student Profiles?

  141. Can I review completion of reports in Academic reports?

  142. Can I review completion of reports?

  143. Can I run a report by House Group in Wellbeing?

  144. Can I run a report on staff signs ins?

  145. Can I run a report to see how many activities students are in?

  146. Can I run a spell check in reports?

  147. Can I run a weekly/monthly report of Visitors?

  148. Can I search by year groups?

  149. Can I search for a Purchase Order?

  150. Can I search for a student in Markbook?

  151. Can I search on custom fields?

  152. Can I see a students previous comments?

  153. Can I see my issues on the school dashboard?

  154. Can I see points earned by a student

  155. Can I see Portal Users associated to a student?

  156. Can I send a newsfeed item for Publishing reports?

  157. Can I send an alert via the school dashboard?

  158. Can I send ANY characters in an SMS message?

  159. Can I send send a message to all parents for a student?

  160. Can I setup a Sick Bay Kiosk?

  161. Can I setup different purchase order limits?

  162. Can I setup passes for regular visitors?

  163. Can I setup recurring activities on specific dates?

  164. Can I show my activity descriptions within Academic Reports?

  165. Can I show weekends on the calendar?

  166. Can I SMS or notfiy Parents via Kiosk?

  167. Can I switch between schools on the app?

  168. Can I switch off medical conditions in Attendance?

  169. Can I switch off Uniform Toggle in Class PXP?

  170. Can I sync Attendance PxP with Attendance? 

  171. Can I unpublish an activity?

  172. Can I upload a student image into Reports?

  173. Can I upload a video as an attachment to a Wellbeing Incident?

  174. Can I upload previous student reports?

  175. Can I use ampersand ‘&’?

  176. Can I use the Sentral for Teachers App to check my schedule between classes or on the go?

  177. Can I view Conferences?

  178. Can I view Continuous assessments in Profiles?

  179. Can I view modifications made to my Purchase Order?

  180. Can I view quickly student/years without data?

  181. Can I view student information on an activity roll?

  182. Can individual calendars be combined into one calendar view?

  183. Can parents allocate available credit to a fee item via the Parents app?

  184. Can parents provide contact numbers for remote interview sessions?

  185. Can parents send future absence by SMS?

  186. Can parents switch between schools on the app?

  187. Can rosters be published to parent portal?

  188. Can Rosters be published to the Portal?

  189. Can rubric templates use letters?

  190. Can staff be notified if a new asset has been added?

  191. Can Staff look at a student view in Continuous Assessment?

  192. Can staff receive wellbeing notifications?

  193. Can staff sign in/out via the Visitor kiosk?

  194. Can staff sign in/out via the kiosk?

  195. Can student flags to show in activities module?

  196. Can students be marked as present via a Kiosk?

  197. Can students message teachers?

  198. Can students see documents?

  199. Can teachers change the student sorting in their rolls marking?

  200. Can teachers use the Sentral app?

  201. Can the Tasks form be edited or changed?

  202. Can there be 2 approvers at any of the approval stages?

  203. Can we add a budget into Purchase Orders?

  204. Can we add links to the Parent Portal?

  205. Can we automate messages to parents for out of uniform?

  206. Can we change class names?

  207. Can we change the data fields in Visitor check in?

  208. Can we create after hour bookings?

  209. Can we have a job share teacher for a class in Continuous Assessment?

  210. Can we link Wellbeing incidents, created activities & events to calendar?

  211. Can we make changes to the Activity Overview section?

  212. Can we modify the school dashboard to display attendance concern register?

  213. Can we record follow-up actions for incidents within the app?

  214. Can we restrict Newsfeed access for our teachers?

  215. Can we restrict who send news feeds?

  216. Can we resubmit PXP rolls?

  217. Can we send notifications to staff members in relations to events on the calendar?

  218. Can we setup Interviews for future students?

  219. Can we setup SMS/Emails to parents for Class PXP absences/truancy?

  220. Can we upload a medical certificate?

  221. Can we view student's assessment when they move to new classes?

  222. Can Wellbeing incidents be set to default to confidential?

  223. Can you allocate resources to students?

  224. Can you export sick bay data?

  225. Can you please explain what FTE is in Enrolments?

  226. Can you send SMS in other languages?

  227. Can you set a deadline for issue tracking?

  228. Checking a till and till discrepancies

  229. Closing a Till

  230. Comment Cleaning Tool - How does it work?

  231. Compliance - How to manually export attendance data into EBS4?

  232. Configure medication expiry alerts – asthma inhalers and EpiPens - NSW Department of Education

  233. Create a Flood funding subsidy for a student

  234. Create a payable fee for third party non-student contacts

  235. Create a payable fee for third party non-student contacts

  236. Create a subsidy type for Flood Funding credit

  237. Creating "test" Student Accounts in Sentral Data Layer

  238. Creating a subsidy type

  239. Creating a Till

  240. Credits register

  241. Definition: Icons and Alerts

  242. Disable Two - Step Authentication

  243. Do Activity rolls sync to PXP?

  244. Do all Parent Portal notifications go out via the app as well?

  245. Do all Parent Portal notifications go out via the app as well?

  246. Do I need to add all the assets to a stocktake in Asset Manager?

  247. Do I need to sync data from/to the Department's systems?

  248. Do I start New or Open saved survey?

  249. Do parents need a Parent Portal account before they can use the app?

  250. Do parents need a Parent Portal account before they can use the app?

  251. Do parents receive notifications for fees and payments?

  252. Do staff development Days populate to calendars?

  253. Do students existing during roll over automatically get applied to to Former Students?

  254. Do we need to enter historical separations and pairings every year?

  255. Do week A & B in timetables display in PXP?

  256. Do week A & B in timetables display in PXP?

  257. Do Week A & B in timetables display in the calendar module?

  258. Do you uniform breaches get displayed in subsequent periods in Class PxP?

  259. Does an absence automatically change to absent unjustified after 7 days or does the teacher need to change the code manually?

  260. Does Asset Manager have barcode capability?

  261. Does cancelling an activity cancel the balance of Fees for that activity?

  262. Does Issue tracking sync to other modules?

  263. Does Profiles show student previous school?

  264. Does Sentral Excel Timetable Support a Non 5-Day Cycle?

  265. Does the Excursion Calendar display I the calendar module?

  266. EBS Decommission - NSW Department of Education

  267. EBS4 - Primary Schools ONLY - I wish to override rollclass names in reports

  268. Edval Daily Configuration

  269. Eftpos terminals

  270. End of day summary and approval

  271. Estimated Bank Deposit Date

  272. Export From EssentialAssessment for Successful Upload to Analysis

  273. Export Parent Emails via Ad Hoc Exports

  274. Exporting Attendance Data to CASES21 (VIC)

  275. Extension Classes are listed a mainstream Classes, why?

  276. Fee adjustments to line-item fee amounts

  277. Fee and Receipt

  278. Finance data sync

  279. Flag based discounts

  280. For some of the KLAs we report on Indicators; how to amend/add the indicators?

  281. Front office payments and receipting payment against a fee

  282. Getting Started with Class Builder

  283. House points and inactive students

  284. How are inactive students removed from the portal?

  285. How are N Award Warning Counts tallied?

  286. How are NSW Government Back to School vouchers processed?

  287. How are students placed in classes?

  288. How can a view a list of students in a class?

  289. How can do I know if a medical amendment has been submitted by a parent?

  290. How can I access Diagnostics Records?

  291. How can I access the Sentral for Teachers App?

  292. How can I add non-residential households for schools using Sentral Enrolments?

  293. How can I add parent or staff to an excursion?

  294. How can I assign staff to cover a lesson?

  295. How can I attach a notification option to an incident?

  296. How can I batch upload students to new classes after a rollover has been performed?

  297. How can I change the colours for our portal?

  298. How can I change the order of subjects on my report?

  299. How can I change the URL for eLearning?

  300. How Can I Check Messages have been sent?

  301. How can I check students health details?

  302. How can I check which staff members should receive notifications regarding incidents?

  303. How can I clean up duplicate student contacts?

  304. How can I copy an existing layout template from a different reporting period?

  305. How can I create a parent portal test account?

  306. How can I create balanced classes?

  307. How can I determine what documents parents see?

  308. How can I display dietary requirements for excursions?

  309. How Can I display student activity participation in the portal?

  310. How can I email Activity parents?

  311. How can I enter or change the descriptions for my Scales?

  312. How can I filter students to add them to an activity/excursion?

  313. How can I find the student classes from previous years?

  314. How can I get a list of Markers that have been achieved/not achieved?

  315. How can I get absence explanations from parents?

  316. How can I get Xero overpayments and prepayments to appear in Sentral?

  317. How can I identify discrepancies between official Attendance and Truancy?

  318. How can I include Year 11 students to sign/in and out of Kiosk with flexible option?

  319. How can I manage portal access in bulk?

  320. How can I manually set a students name in reports?

  321. How can I order from one supplier and select different accounts?

  322. How can I override the general comment length in Academic Reports ?

  323. How can I print a report / export data that shows who has paid in the Activities module?*​

  324. How can I print an activity roll with student photos?

  325. How can I reset level placements to give students a clean slate?

  326. How can I restrict student signing out early?

  327. How can I roll over the setup from a previous reporting period?

  328. How can I see a students NESA (exam) ID in markbook?

  329. How can I see a students siblings?

  330. How can I see all open Issues?

  331. How can I see if parents have read the Interviews Newsfeed/notifcation?

  332. How can I send a reminder to parents regarding activity permission and/or payment?

  333. How can I set different school start and end times for a specific year group?

  334. How can I set the length of a Comment?

  335. How can I setup a Group Calendar so it is not seen by all staff?

  336. How can I sign all staff out at a particular time?

  337. How can I tell if staff signed in externally or onsite?

  338. How can I the use fill down function in Report Comment?

  339. How can I view a list of days a causal has covered for?

  340. How can I view all partial absences?

  341. How can I view parent portal response to an activity?

  342. How can I view the list of casual/relief teachers?

  343. How can we limit access to staff in accessing parts of wellbeing?

  344. How can you flag exchange students?

  345. How can you modify and change access permissions in Issue Tracking?

  346. How come a student is marked away at roll call but it comes up as partial absence unexplained?

  347. How come attendance percentage report is missing partial absences?

  348. How do enter marks into a markbook?

  349. How do I create medication on an as needed basis?

  350. How do "estimations" work?

  351. How do check if we are using Eduhub Sync?

  352. How do check permission of a teacher so they have access to the wellbeing module?

  353. How do create an ambulance report in Sentral?

  354. How do create an assessment in Continuous Assessment?

  355. How do Emergency Contacts from Enrolments appear in the Address Book?

  356. How do I add EAL/D to my primary school reports(NSW schools)?

  357. How do I unlink households/contacts from a student enrolment?

  358. How do I access online payments received via the Portal and app?

  359. How do I add / create a faculty markbook?

  360. How do I add a Comment in the Academic Report?

  361. How do I add a lifeskills cohort?

  362. How do I add a partial absence?

  363. How do I add a QR code to the dashboard?

  364. How do I add a school logo as a water mark?

  365. How do I add a school newsletter to the dashboard?

  366. How do I add a sick bay entry?

  367. how do I add a student to a meeting?

  368. How do I add correspondence for a student?

  369. How do I add course detail to my faculty schema?

  370. How do I add details for our relief staff?

  371. How do I add effort to reports?

  372. How do I add Epipens and Inhalers? - NSW Department of Education

  373. How do I add links for parents in the portal?

  374. How do I add medications into the Health module?

  375. How do I add more reasons for Sick Bay?

  376. How do I add my non-teaching days to the calendar?

  377. How do I add my Sentral Attendance data into a reporting period?

  378. How do I add my Sentral Attendance data into a reporting period?

  379. How do I add new reasons for a student being in sickbay?

  380. How do I add New Resources?

  381. How do I add or remove a widget for all users?

  382. How do I add padding or white space?

  383. How do I add relief/casual staff?

  384. How do I add staff signatures to reports?

  385. How do I add the right continuum into an assessment schema?

  386. How do I administer a late medication?

  387. How do I administer special medication?

  388. How do I allow all staff to assign other staff to tasks in Issue Tracking?

  389. How do I allow parents to see Wellbeing information in the Parent Portal2?

  390. How do I apply an Instalment Plan to a Debtor?

  391. How do I approve a refund?

  392. How do I archive a student plan?

  393. How do I assign "Team Leader" access?

  394. How do I assign a Specialist or RFF teacher to a class?

  395. How do I assign a teacher to a NEW class?

  396. How do I assign a User to a Markbook?

  397. How do I assign classes to a schema in a high school report?

  398. How do I assign classes to a schema in a High School report?

  399. How do I assign multiple teachers to a Roll Class in Parent Interviews?

  400. How do I assign Roll Classes to Teachers?

  401. How do I bulk manage whole school attendance during CoVid?

  402. How do I cancel a fee for a student removed from an Activity?

  403. How do I cancel a fee?

  404. How do I change location names?

  405. How do I change term dates and holidays?

  406. How do I change the name of Wellbeing categories?

  407. How do I change the password for a parents portal account?

  408. How do I change the reporting template so that it shows preferred names?

  409. How do I change the Schools login page?

  410. How do I change the sort order of my roll?​

  411. How do I change the start week in Sentral Timetables?

  412. How do I change users assigned as notification recipients?

  413. How do I check attendance in the event of an Emergency or Evacuation ?

  414. How do I check Attendance is formatted for a receipt printer or sticker printer?

  415. How do I check if all class rolls have been submitted?

  416. How do I check if emails have been delivered?

  417. How do I check Visitors is formatted for a receipt printer or sticker printer?

  418. How do I check which Rolls have not been submitted?

  419. How do I clean up Attendance records for unenrolled students?

  420. How do I complete roll marking in Teachers app?

  421. How do I compose a staff broadcast?

  422. How do I connect to Canvas?

  423. How do I control who can send SMS?

  424. How do I control who has access to Calendars, for Students, Staff and Parents?

  425. How do I copy previous instances' lists into current activity cycle?

  426. How do I copy Student Plans?

  427. How do I create a "service account" for my Kiosk?

  428. How do I create a "service account" for my Visitor Kiosk?

  429. How do I create a booking ?

  430. How do I create a custom class to use in Markbook and Reports?

  431. How do I create a fee for an activity and publish to the portal?

  432. How do I create a layout for a specific subject?

  433. How do I create a Manual Staff member?

  434. How do I create a new Activities Cycle ?

  435. How do I create a new fee type?

  436. How do I create a new non-DoE staff member? - NSW Department of Education

  437. How do I create a new Staff User account in Sentral?

  438. How do I create a news feed article on the portal?

  439. How do I create a Wellbeing Incident for a whole class?

  440. How do I create a wellbeing incident?

  441. How do I create access keys for contacts in enrolments?

  442. How do I create Bulk Absences?

  443. How do I create custom classes?

  444. How do I create Daily Notices?

  445. How do I create future absence reasons for parent in the Portal?

  446. How do I create groups in the meeting module ?

  447. How do I create multi-age/composite classes?

  448. How do I create online Interview sessions?

  449. How do I create or edit Messaging Templates?

  450. How do I create or Import a Checklist?

  451. How do I create/edit the content of Comment Banks (content for fill-down selections)

  452. How do I delete a Homework Task for my class?

  453. How do I delete a Homework Task?

  454. How do I delete a reporting period ?

  455. How do I delete an assessment schema?

  456. How do I delete an Interview Session?

  457. How do I delete My Notices?

  458. How do I designate a subject as secondary assessable?

  459. How do I designate year advisors and deputy principals as responsible for specific year groups?

  460. How do I diagnose and report an issue syncing Edval and Sentral ?

  461. How do I disable an Automatic Absence Notification?

  462. How do I disable houses?

  463. How do I display a calendar to the parent/student portal?

  464. How do I display Markbook results within the Portal?

  465. How do I display Markbook results within the Portal?

  466. How do I do all bulk actions like reassign or change priority?

  467. How do I edit a submitted roll?

  468. How do I edit an ambulance report?

  469. How do I edit students?

  470. How do I edit the height of columns in the report template?

  471. How do I Edit, Delete & Add Teachers?

  472. How do I enable a staff member to edit and access Staff Bulletin?

  473. How do I enable attendance concerns to view in Sentral?

  474. How do I ensure a Student Flag displays on Kiosk at Departure?

  475. How do I ensure a Student Flag displays on Kiosk at Departure?

  476. How do I ensure Messages are sent to a Non Residential family?

  477. How do I ensure Pre-Foundation Levels are not Displayed in Progression Points components?

  478. How do I ensure that my activities do not automatically rollover at the end of each cycle?

  479. How do I ensure that Parent/Guardian contact details reflect correctly within Sentral?

  480. How do I enter Data for a class?

  481. How do I enter VIC EAL data to Continuums?

  482. How do I Export a report template?

  483. How do I export Acer PAT-R ?

  484. How do I export class data?

  485. How do I export from EDSAS and Import into Sentral?

  486. How do I export Progression Point data to Cases21?

  487. How do I find a student’s family contact details?

  488. How do I find information about students who have left?

  489. How do I fix a Student showing in the incorrect house group?

  490. How do I fix photos that are sideways?

  491. How do I flag student with remote learning issues?

  492. How do I generate attendance percentages for each Year Group?

  493. How do I generate reports for student Collation/Stapling ?

  494. How do I generate/export data for a student who has left?

  495. How do I get imported assets to display the Building and Location items within an Asset Register?

  496. How do I get my school logo in academic reports?

  497. How do I get non-attendance days and holidays to reflect in Timetables?

  498. How do I give access rolls to other staff?

  499. How do I handle the Term 4 Year 11 into Year 12 HSC rollover?

  500. How do I hide incidents so a teacher can only see the incidents they have created?

  501. How do I Import Comment Banks?

  502. How do I Import Comment Banks?

  503. How do I Import Data from CASES21?

  504. How do I import my Timetable information into Resource Booking?

  505. How do I import QuickVic Comment Banks into Sentral Reports?

  506. How do I import suppliers?

  507. How do I increase medication for a student?

  508. How do I input BOS numbers / exam numbers into Sentral data layer?*

  509. How do I know when a student has swiped in via the Kiosk?

  510. How do I know when a student has swiped in via the Kiosk?

  511. How do I know which teacher marked a roll or when updates where made?

  512. How do I link a Wellbeing Incident Type with PxP Quick Incidents?

  513. How do I link Activities for House Points per-Student?

  514. How do I link Activities to House Points using Default Points?

  515. How do I link Continuums to Reporting Subjects?

  516. How do I link Markbook to junior/primary reports

  517. How do I link ranks to reports from markbook?

  518. How do I link staff accounts with my Administration System?

  519. How do I link Wellbeing Awards to accumulate House Points?

  520. How do I locate family amendment Requests via Portal?

  521. How do I log a ticket online with the Sentral Helpdesk?

  522. How do I make a teacher unavailable?

  523. How do I make sure students move to correct year groups before I rollover?

  524. How do I manage and change user permissions?

  525. How do I manage permissions?

  526. How do I manage share classes?

  527. How do I manually add a location?

  528. How do I mark a period as an after-school class?

  529. How do I mark a roll?

  530. How do I mark a student out of uniform in Attendance

  531. How do I mark a student out of uniform in PxP?

  532. How do I mark an entire cluster as Complete?

  533. How do I merge users?

  534. How do I message Both Primary Contacts?

  535. How do I message Preferred Contacts?

  536. How do I move a student to a different household?

  537. How do I notify parents that an interview session has been cancelled?

  538. How do I notify staff and alert them to created, assigned or changed tasks?

  539. How do I omit a subject from the Subject List/Table in a report?

  540. How do I Open/Close surveys?

  541. How do I pin reports to create a Wellbeing dashboard?

  542. How do I place a student on a Level or Suspension?

  543. How do I Print a Fee for a Parent?

  544. How do I print a report?

  545. How do I print a Roll Marking Sheet ?

  546. How do I print a sick bay attendance slip/register?

  547. How do I print a Truancy Report?

  548. How do I print an Absence Report?

  549. How do I print certificates for positive incidents?

  550. How do I print contact details or medical information?

  551. How do I print different year level reports?

  552. How do I print my student reports as a booklet ?

  553. How do I process a student depature?

  554. How do I process Flood Relief funding for students?

  555. How do I publish Activity Information to parent portal?

  556. How do I publish an activity to the parent portal?

  557. How do I publish my Sentral Calendar to the Student and Parent Portal?

  558. How do I publish reports to Student Profiles?

  559. How do I publish reports to the Student and Parent Portal or email?

  560. How do I re-enrol a student who has previously been at the school?

  561. How do I re-order my list of Recipients?

  562. How do I re-order the sequence of multiple Teachers assigned to classes for Final Print?

  563. How do I receive a payment for a fee?

  564. How do I record a partial absense?

  565. How do I record if a parent has attended the Interview?

  566. How do I record remote learning issues?

  567. How do I reflect what intended to report on for each KLA?

  568. How do I refresh/reimport/add new students and classes in a reporting period?

  569. How do I reject a refund?

  570. How do I relink course calculations within my Faculty Schemas?

  571. How do I remove a calendar?

  572. How do I remove or archive old markbooks?

  573. How do I rename a Report Template?

  574. How do I repeat a student?

  575. How do I report on EAL/D (English as another Language/Dialect)?

  576. How do I reset my rolls at the start of the year?

  577. How do I reset staff passwords?

  578. How do I retrieve Plan information for a student that has left?

  579. How do I rollover Edval Timetables for New year?

  580. How do I schedule and enter medication?

  581. How do I search for a student by name?

  582. How do I search for staff absences?

  583. How do I select assessment strands in my schema?

  584. How do I select strand and outcomes to display in my schema?

  585. How do I select/modify Portal Access Level in enrolments?

  586. How do I Send an SMS or Email Message?

  587. How do I send handover notes?

  588. How do I separate English/Maths from my other KLAs?

  589. How do I set a limit & approve student activity selection and have no wait list?

  590. How do I set a limit & approve student activity selection and have no wait list?

  591. How do I set up notifications in Plans?

  592. How do I set which period will be the Official Attendance Roll?

  593. How do I set Year 12 last Attendance Date?

  594. How do I set year 12 last attendance date?

  595. How do I setup a flag for a student?

  596. How do I setup a kiosk service account?

  597. How do I setup a positive incident to give awards to students?

  598. How do I setup Accelerated Students in Separate Reporting Periods?

  599. How do I setup AM/PM rolls in Attendance?

  600. How do I setup and push payments to the Portal?

  601. How do I setup Cases21 for export of Staff and Classes data to Sentral?

  602. How do I setup Cases21 for export of Student and Family data to Sentral?

  603. How do I setup early start classes?

  604. How do I setup Flexible Timetabling?

  605. How do I setup my Period Structure?

  606. How do I setup other classes for reports?

  607. How do I setup the ability to Award Students via PxP Quick Incidents?

  608. How do I share/publish a Sentral Calendar to an external program (Outlook, Skoolbag)

  609. How do I show student photos on Partial Slips?

  610. How do I sign in with Two -Step Authentication?

  611. How do I signoff reports as a teacher?

  612. How do I SMS a different parent regarding sick bay?

  613. How do I split a household?

  614. How do I sync timetable data from Edval to Sentral?

  615. How do I unlock a reporting period?

  616. How do I update Bell Times for Edval/Sentral?

  617. How do I update my house colours / house logo?

  618. How do I update my Sentral Messaging account balance ?

  619. How do I update the Attendance Code for Suspensions?

  620. How do I update the Email Teachers function from a Student Profile

  621. How do I update the school logo?

  622. How do I update the school Principal's name?

  623. How do I upload a School Newsletter to the portal?

  624. How do I upload a School Newsletter to the portal?

  625. How do I upload existing data from CASES21 into reports?

  626. How do I upload Homework to the Student Portal?

  627. How do I upload new student photos?

  628. How do I upload student and staff photos / avatars?

  629. How do I use "modifiers" to change the way Wellbeing merge fields are used?

  630. How do I use Class Builder for a second year?

  631. How do I verify Fees, Discount Rates and Contact Responsible for a Student?

  632. How do I view all credits for a student?

  633. How do I view data for a inactive student in Wellbeing?

  634. How do I view filters in profiles module in Sentral?

  635. How do I view roll class statistics?

  636. How do I view/send Portal Messages?

  637. How do I withdraw a students enrolments as they did not start?

  638. How do my administration system and the Timetable module work together?

  639. How do parents register for the app?

  640. How do parents register for the app?

  641. How do staff block out periods of unavailability within Interview sessions?

  642. How do the "Add" calculations work?

  643. How do the "Adjustment" calculations work?

  644. How do the "Grade" calculations work?

  645. How do the "Ranking" calculations work?

  646. How do the different calculation options work?

  647. How do upload my NEW Kindy & Reception students?

  648. How do we control who can initiate an evacuation process through the App?

  649. How do we get the Canvas assessments into Markbook?

  650. How do we see each classes attendance percentages for each week?

  651. How do we setup Portal 2/Portal Console module?

  652. How do you add an issue or task in Issue tracking?

  653. How do you close a task in issue tracking in Sentral?

  654. How do you handle parent requests?

  655. How do you locate a student in timetable's module?

  656. How do you publish a Continuous Assessment to the portal?

  657. How do you show a calendar on the dashboard?

  658. How do you transfer student between campuses?

  659. How does a casual teacher mark the roll if the Roll Class Teacher is absent?

  660. How does a faculty head create Assessment Outcomes in Reports?

  661. How does a teacher sign in and out so we can record staff movement?

  662. How does a user Import Personal Comment Banks?

  663. How does an absence notification appear on the Roll?

  664. How does associated contacts in Enrolments work with Messaging?

  665. How does Digistorm integrate into Sentral ?

  666. How many columns and rows can I add?

  667. How to Access Student Contact Info from Attendance?

  668. How to activate pre-enrolled students within Attendance (NSW DEC only)*​

  669. How to add a future Roll Class - NSW Department of Education

  670. How to add a new roll class - NSW Department of Education

  671. How to add a teacher to Wellbeing drop down boxes?

  672. How to add new students to the Academic Reports?

  673. How to add the electronic signature for the Principal?

  674. How to add the SunSmart Widget to your School Dashboard

  675. How to adjust a fee amount which is already fully paid.

  676. How to administer medication e.g., Panadol

  677. How to assign students to a future roll class - NSW Department of Education

  678. How to bold words in a Comment?

  679. How to cancel fees in bulk for an event

  680. How to correct a Payment method

  681. How to create a billing period

  682. How to create a fee structure

  683. How to create a fee type

  684. How to create a fee via billing run

  685. How to create a new fee item

  686. How to create a new letter template for use in activities

  687. How to create a Standalone Fee

  688. How to deactivate a non-DoE staff member - NSW Department of Education

  689. How to deactivate a NSW DoE staff member - NSW Department of Education

  690. How to download ICAS data?

  691. How to ensure a 0 mark remains at 0 when using the Standardise calculation

  692. How to export absences from EBS4 into Attendance

  693. How to export Credits

  694. How to export Fee Allocations

  695. How to export Fees

  696. How to export NAPLAN data and Import into Analysis - NSW Department of Education

  697. How to export NAPLAN data and Import into Analysis - NSW Independent schools

  698. How to export Overpayments

  699. How to export Payments

  700. How to generate a Payments Register

  701. How to generate a previously completed evacuation report

  702. How to import and download ICAS data?

  703. How to initiate a new evacuation process via the app

  704. How to login to the Sentral for Teachers App

  705. How to mark evacuation attendance for unconfirmed individuals (previously missing)

  706. How to mark evacuation rolls from the desktop

  707. How to move absent students to the evacuation attendance rolls

  708. How to print an evacuation summary

  709. How to Print an Invoice for a Parent

  710. How to process a refund request

  711. How to process Abstudy Centrelink Payments

  712. How to process scholarship and International student funding

  713. How to publish old EBS/Pop fees to portal

  714. How to Receive a Payment on an Invoice

  715. How to return Abstudy credits to Centrelink for students no longer enrolled

  716. How to search for former teachers?

  717. How to set levels of Access in Markbook

  718. How to set up a Donation request

  719. How to stop an evacuation process

  720. How to update the payment due date for an activity

  721. How to upload an ASCIA plan - NSW Department of Education

  722. How to verify Fees, Discount Rates and Debtors Responsible for a Student

  723. How to view and create a statement

  724. How to view Students' Previous Comments Whilst Entering Subject or General Comments

  725. How to void a credit

  726. How we resolve issues with timeable that is out of date in PXP?

  727. How/Where can I upload student Academic Reports?

  728. How/Where do I generate a list of Students and All Classes Attendance Percentage?

  729. How/Where do I generate a list of Students and All Classes Attendance Percentage?

  730. HTML Slip Print Page Setup

  731. I am a school executive, casual or relief teacher, can I use the Sentral for Teachers App to mark the roll of the class I am covering?

  732. I am having some difficulty entering Checklist Items into my Assessment Schema.

  733. I am unable to view parent calendar in default calendar

  734. I am working in the wrong reporting period. How can I change it ?

  735. I can’t select any year groups to add to my reporting period?

  736. I cannot access any modules externally. How can I set this up ?

  737. I have 2 campuses and wish to share the main school calendar; how can I do this?

  738. I have a teacher's name wrong on a report. How do I change it?

  739. I have accidentally departed the wrong student, can I fix this?

  740. I have an incorrect staff member’s name printing on the report, and I can’t get rid of them, why?

  741. I have published payment requests to the Portal, but parents cannot see them, why?

  742. I have published payments/bills to the Portal but parents cannot see them, why?

  743. I have two-year levels in my class, but I can only see half of them. Where are they?

  744. I wish staff to be able to sign in from external location.

  745. I would like to attach a flyer to an activity I wish to publish in the Portal?

  746. I've sent out forms to complete, where can I find submissions?

  747. Identify students with remaining flood funding credit

  748. If I create fees via the Activities module, how are students in the same family billed?

  749. If I have different outcomes for each year, do I need a different schema for each year in Academic Reports ?

  750. If I have split billing in place, will the percentage allocation be shown on the Fee?

  751. If I remove incident types in a Wellbeing category, can I still see the previously created incidents under those types if I run a tally report?

  752. If I send absences from Messaging to the Portal, where does the response go?

  753. If I want to use a Student Billing Run, do I need to configure the Fee Structure for my school?

  754. If my school doesn’t provide discounts, do I need to configure the Fee Structure?

  755. Import EBS4 Attendance Data into Sentral (NSWDOE)

  756. Import teaching groups - NSW Department of Education

  757. In Attendance letters how do I edit the slip template section at the bottom of the letters?

  758. In reports, I am seeing an error message that the class is not associated with any assessment schema ?

  759. Incorrect weeks are displaying how do we resolve this?

  760. Insights - NSW NAPLAN import

  761. Insights - VIC NAPLAN data import

  762. Is it possible for Sentral to display a gender natural student?

  763. Is it possible for students to sign into PXP lessons?

  764. Is it possible for students to sign into PXP lessons?

  765. Is it possible to import a calendar from a CSV file into Sentral Calendars?

  766. Is it possible to modify referrals section in wellbeing?

  767. Is it possible to print an Evacuation Summary Report from a previous day?

  768. Is it possible to remove or disable an inactive manually created roll class ?

  769. Is it possible to run multiple machine in student attendance?

  770. Is it possible to set up awards via PXP quick incidents?

  771. Is it possible to to briefly shut access to the Portal for Parents?

  772. Is it possible to view and download Timetables from the portal?

  773. Is it possible to view students grades for previous years in this Reporting period?

  774. Is residential address same as postal address?

  775. Is there a class report inside Wellbeing module?

  776. Is there a merge field which prints the count of NAwards for a student for a specific subject except instead of listing it the full subject name, you just have 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc?

  777. Is there a parent app?

  778. Is there a report that we can run that will provide summary of teachers and the subjects they teach?

  779. Is there a rollover process for the Finance module?

  780. Is there any way of creating a % attendance notification for staff ?

  781. Manage Rooms - NSW Department of Education

  782. Manage Voluntary contributions discounts between siblings

  783. Managing activity-based groups in Sentral - NSW Department of Education (eg. Scripture, Excursions and Sport)

  784. Mark student evacuation attendance

  785. Markbook Access Levels Explained

  786. Markbook Highlighting and Colour codes explained

  787. My attendance slips are not printing correctly. How can I fix this?

  788. My course results are printing with the wrong names on the final reports, why?

  789. My newsfeed failed, how can I fix this?

  790. My plan needs to have goals related to the curriculum/syllabus, which template do I choose?

  791. My School Houses are not displaying, why?

  792. My strands/outcomes/checklist items aren’t printing, even though marks are entered, why?

  793. My student, roll class and/or family data is incorrect in Sentral, why?

  794. My templates did not rollover

  795. New enrolments are not updating into Sentral – how do I fix this?

  796. New Sentral for Parent App - Functionality setup for Schools

  797. No Activities or incorrect activities are displaying In Academic Reports, why?

  798. Notifications and alerts

  799. Our Attendance on the report is missing or incorrect, why?

  800. Our published reports are not appearing on the portal?

  801. Our SSL is due to expiry, how do I fix this?

  802. Parent can't log in to the app. Forgotten password

  803. Parent cannot log in. Forgotten email or old email

  804. Parent has forgotten their password, what can they do?

  805. Parent portal access to Statement of Account.

  806. Parents are getting SMS messages that we didn't send

  807. Payment incorrectly reversed

  808. Portal - Forgot my password does not work for parents

  809. Portal- How to set up a Test Student & Parent Account

  810. PXP- why are some students highlight pink/red?

  811. Receiving Student Not Assigned to Overall Schema Message, When All Students Are Assigned

  812. Record a Wellbeing Incident via the Teachers App

  813. Refresh evacuation rolls

  814. Refund Credits and Overpayments

  815. Remove an outstanding balance for an old EBS Fee

  816. Remove balance on a partially paid fee

  817. Request 3rd party Donations (i.e., local business donations) - NSW Department of Education

  818. Restrict All parents access from logging into Sentral?

  819. Reverse Payment vs Request Refund

  820. SA - How do I import my NAPLAN data into Analysis?

  821. SAS Contacts Datalayer Sync options explained

  822. School Resource Pack for Portal App

  823. Sentral Finance Onboarding guide

  824. Sentral Indigo User Interface fact sheet

  825. Sentral Learning

  826. Sentral Pay - Guest Portal link

  827. Sentral Profiles 2 Overview

  828. Sibling discounts

  829. Single Sign On (SSO) Readiness Checklist - NSW Department of Education

  830. Some of the merge fields in Wellbeing letters are not capitalized properly. How do I fix it ?

  831. Some Staff are not showing in Sentral – how do I fix this? - NSW Department of Education

  832. Some subjects are printing twice, why?

  833. Staff and visitor evacuation attendance process

  834. Staff do not appear in Interview list, why?

  835. Start to finish banking process

  836. STATS Attendance Reporting for Non-Government Schools

  837. Student and Contact Creation

  838. Students cannot see their Daily Timetable changes, why?

  839. Suspensions do not seem to be mapping to the correct attendance codes. How do I fix this?

  840. Teacher missing from list of Users in wellbeing how do we resolve this?

  841. The activities on my reports are incorrect?

  842. There are no students appearing for selection in my Billing Run

  843. Timetable Syncing to Sentral – Rollover Information for new year

  844. To use a letter template within an activity

  845. Transition from ebs to Sentral for Health functionality - NSW Department of Education

  846. Transition from ebs to Sentral for managing Rooms - NSW Department of Education

  847. Troubleshooting Java issues for Sentral Kiosk - For IT Admins

  848. Two - Step Authentication

  849. Update Continuums Results into Reports

  850. VIC - Achievement Data import for Cases 21

  851. VIC - How do I import my NAPLAN data into Analysis ?

  852. VIC - How to Export On Demand Test Results

  853. VIC - Import Cases Attendance to Sentral

  854. VIC - The 623, 624 and 625 Attendance Code

  855. VIC 2021 - Reporting Student Achievement and Progress in Victoria

  856. VIC End of Year Attendance Steps

  857. VIC Fact Sheet: Victorian Curriculum and Continuum Tracker

  858. Vic Schools - previous progression point scores within reports: Reference Previous Sentral Reports reporting period

  859. Victorian End of Year Process

  860. We are trying to mark the roll and its generating the error "error this roll is not submittable"

  861. We have multiple student nots appearing in modules, how do we fix this?

  862. We use Edval, how does that work with Staff Absences?

  863. What are Credits?

  864. What are the headers for the DET Suspension Return file?

  865. What are the standard templates for Student Plans?

  866. What are the two integration types used for Digistorm?

  867. What are the two key settings in messaging that can impact how communications are sent?

  868. What Biometrics Information is stored on the server?

  869. What do asterisk represent on timetable view?

  870. What do the colours mean on my PXP timetable?

  871. What does Activities - Student Portal Selection Period do?

  872. What does it mean when it says “disabled” and “enabled” with automatic sync to Attendance from PxP?

  873. What does Sentral Kiosk do?

  874. What does the 'X' stand for in the 'Official Record of Attendance' report?

  875. What does the green number mean in the Access Keys screen?

  876. What exports are available in Profiles?

  877. What features are available during an evacuation process on the app?

  878. What happens after creating a quick incident?

  879. What happens when a flexible student selects Flexible on Kiosk after their required Start Time?

  880. What happens when I choose whether to sync the official roll call period for the day, or all rolls?

  881. What has changed in Admin Enquiry for NSW schools?

  882. What impact does the order of contacts have in messaging – who gets selected and why? What takes precedence, receives correspondence? Allow email? Primary contact? The order of contact?

  883. What information displays in the student timeline in profiles?

  884. What is a "Z-Score," and what is it used for?

  885. What is a breakpoint?

  886. What is a Fee Group in Sentral?

  887. What is a Fee Type in Sentral?

  888. What is a marker progression?

  889. What is a Sociograph View?

  890. What is an academic period?

  891. What is Portal Usage?

  892. What is the best way to manage assess assigned to students?

  893. What is the best way to review a student plan?

  894. What is the difference between a Family Access Key and a Student Access Key?

  895. What is the difference between cancel rolls and remove rolls in Class PXP?

  896. What is the difference between cancelling and voiding a fee?

  897. What is the difference between emergency care plans and health care plans?

  898. What is the difference between My Dashboard and School Dashboard?

  899. What is the relevance of the Code when creating a Fee?

  900. What is the Sentral for Teachers app?

  901. What is the significance of "mobile moments"?

  902. What is the size limit of documents that I can send via the portal and/or app?

  903. What is the sync with Xero entail?

  904. What role does contact order place in messaging for Enrolments schools?

  905. What security measures are in place for the teacher app?

  906. What's the difference between 'Family Parents' and 'All Parents' cohort member?

  907. When an Alumni student returns to a school as a mother, how does the system handle this or what is the recommended workflow for a school.

  908. When I imported my classes I only got a few students. Why would this be happening?

  909. When I print reports, I get a big red error saying no overall schema, why?

  910. Where can I access meetings related to a student?

  911. Where can I access statistics in Issue Tracking?

  912. Where can I add correspondence with a contact?

  913. Where can I find emergency contact details?

  914. Where can I find information about Xero?

  915. Where can I find Student Plans in profile page?

  916. Where can I get Census Report?

  917. Where can I report on NCCD in enrolments?

  918. Where can I see students in Houses?

  919. Where do additional fields display in an activity?

  920. Where do I find absence notifications sent from parents via the app?

  921. Where do I find absence notifications sent from parents via the portal and/or app?

  922. Where do I find Future Absences from the Portal?

  923. Where do I set up the Fee Value for a Fee?

  924. Where do parents enter their access key?

  925. Where do portal payments end up in Sentral?

  926. Where do schools enter there school information in Sentral ?

  927. Where do you find the staff sign in and out?

  928. Where is 'Under Load Teachers Data Imported' From?

  929. Where, in Enrolments, is a parent selected to received reports?

  930. Which browser and version am I using?

  931. Which component will print the secondary assessable?

  932. Which parent provided permission for the activity via the Portal?

  933. Which two settings can effect an enrolment's school in messaging with communications?

  934. Who initiates an evacuation roll process?

  935. Why am I not able to enter a student into Sick Bay?

  936. Why am I required to have a username for each Kiosk profile? - Best Practices Explained

  937. Why am I required to have a username for each Visitor Kiosk profile? - Best Practices Explained

  938. Why are all my students 'inactive' within the Sentral data layer following an Academic Period rollover?

  939. Why are classes in Markbook inactive?

  940. Why are classes still appearing as "active' within Timetables on a Date Set as a Non-Attendance Date within Sentral Setup?

  941. Why are discount rates not being applied?

  942. Why are Headers and Footers printing on my Google Chrome Kiosk Slips?

  943. Why are my Emergency Contacts not displaying correctly?

  944. Why are my N Award Letters History Counts incorrect?

  945. Why are my Parents complaining about their Interviews being imported incorrectly to their Google Calendar?

  946. Why are my purchase orders automatically approving?

  947. Why are my SMS's being charged at 20c per message? Isn't it supposed to be 10c per message?

  948. Why are my Timetables class names not appearing in Resource Booking?

  949. Why are no emergency contacts showing in Sentral?

  950. Why are none of my new rollclasses importing?

  951. Why are none of my new students appearing in PxP class rolls?

  952. Why are parents & students seeing old or obsolete documents in the Portal?

  953. Why are some addresses missing from Email to Student Teachers?

  954. Why are some students highlight pink/red in attendance?

  955. Why are some values not displaying/display incorrectly in some screens/exports?

  956. Why are some values not displaying/display incorrectly in some screens/exports?

  957. Why are staff are missing from staff absences list?

  958. Why are Student Leavers Appearing in a Billing/Invoicing Run?

  959. Why are Student Leavers still visible in Sentral? - NSW Department of Education

  960. Why are student not appearing in timetables?

  961. Why are the contacts for my student not showing within the rest of Sentral (such as within the Student Profiles screen)?

  962. Why are the discount rates not being applied?

  963. Why are the roll assignments on my Roll Status screen incorrect ?

  964. Why are there differences between attendance percentage in Attendance and Class PxP?

  965. Why are this year's enrolments appearing under the 'Inactive Students' tab when Editing a current Roll Class?

  966. Why aren't my Year 7 students displaying within Sentral Timetables and Attendance?

  967. Why aren't my Year 7 students displaying within Sentral Timetables and Attendance? (NSWDEC)

  968. Why can a parent not register?

  969. Why can a teacher not edit their class Markbook?

  970. Why can I not get previous scores from another reporting period to print?

  971. Why can I not lodge a support case?

  972. Why can I not see staff or add to Issue Tracker?

  973. Why can parents not see the Interview session in Portal?

  974. Why can staff not book resources in the future?

  975. Why can staff not see all upcoming events in our School Dashboard Calendar?

  976. Why can't I search for a Student who has a Draft (Incomplete) enrolment?

  977. Why can't I see a particular calendar in subscriptions ?

  978. Why can't notification recipients access a Wellbeing Incident if is marked Confidential ?

  979. Why do I get an 'error 11' when I try to import into Cases21? (VIC)

  980. Why do I have Home Numbers importing into Mobile Number fields?

  981. Why do I now have two Contact Types for a parent?

  982. Why do my Sentral pages appear broken or "pushed down" on some computers?

  983. Why do my Staff names keep displaying incorrectly following an update to Sentral Setup?

  984. Why do old activities still appear?

  985. Why do teachers have blank surveys/no students?

  986. Why do the status colours always stay as Yellow (incomplete) for Student Comments?

  987. Why does a Markbook sync with Reports show overridden grades?

  988. Why does a sports period appear in PXP but not in timetables or student portal?

  989. Why does a sports period appear in PXP but not in timetables or student portal?

  990. Why does a teacher not appear in Timetables?

  991. Why does my range of data display for a year prior to the students' enrolment start year?

  992. Why does Sentral insert double lines or a new paragraph when I press enter?

  993. Why does the 'requires action 'appear in the Parent Portal for the Interviews?

  994. Why does the Father contact in a split household still have the family phone number?

  995. Why is a removed User Still Appearing as a Class/Assisting/Supervising/Year Advisor?

  996. Why is a Removed User Still Assigned as a Class Teacher?

  997. Why is a teacher not appearing in Activities?

  998. Why is my Enrolment - Active student not synchronising into Sentral data layer?

  999. Why is my Rank counting students on 0 as the total count of Students?

  1000. Why is my student showing within Enrolments but not the rest of Sentral?

  1001. Why is there a 'lock' next to a students name in Markbook ?

  1002. Why is there an asterisk(*) on a Messaging contact?

  1003. Why isn't my Academic Reporting data importing to Analysis?

  1004. Why isn't my Partial Payment displaying on an Excursion?

  1005. Why isn’t all the information within Enrolments visible in other areas of Sentral?

  1006. Why might a staff member not be showing in meetings?

  1007. Will teachers be able to see other teachers' timetables in the app?

  1008. Will the evacuation roll call base its roll on the daily attendance or PxP?

  1009. Xero Help

  1010. Xero OAuth 2.0

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