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How to import and download ICAS data?

For the ICAS data to be ready to be imported into Sentral it needs to have the following headers (in the sequence):

  • Class
  • Student ID
  • Score
  • Awards
  • School Percentile
  • AU Percentile   

A useful feature of ICAS online reporting is the ability to download your ICAS data into a spreadsheet or application 

1. Navigate to the subject and year level of your choice using the navigation bar on the left. 

2. Click on All Students 

3. Click on the Copy Data button at the bottom of the screen. 

4. Click OK so that the data can be copied onto the clipboard. 

5. Open an Excel spreadsheet file (or another application/database you wish to copy  

the data to). 

6. Use the Paste command (Ctrl+V) to copy the data into the spreadsheet. The data will  

now appear in your spreadsheet. 

You can download any reports where the Copy Data button at the bottom of the page is in bold. 

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