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A guide to using the Conflict Screen in PxP

The Conflict-resolution screen within the Class PxP module detects where a Class Teacher has submitted a roll in PxP that conflicts with an existing Absence for student(s) that have been previously entered into the Attendance module. 

The following are some scenarios that Class Teachers may come across where you have enabled PxP to sync to the Attendance module. 

Scenario 1: Admin have entered an Explained Whole Day absence for Alexander, whose mother has called in to provide this advice. 

Explained absence in Overall column visible in the PxP class list

In this scenario, the class teacher has not noticed that Alex is Absent and proceeds to mark him Present by clicking Submit. The class teacher is then prompted with the following conflict screen: 

The correct option is selected to retain the previously entered Whole Day Explained absence

To ensure that Alex's Overall (Official Attendance) absence is not removed, the Class Teacher should select the option 'Alexander is Absent...' > then click the Resubmit Class Roll. 

Correctly marked absent from class and absent overall

To prevent the conflict here, the staff member would have marked the student Absent from class. 

Scenario 2: Admin have entered a Timed Explained absence for the incorrect date, and Alexander is at school and present in class. 

Incorrectly entered Timed Absence in Overall column visible in PxP class
Alex has turned up to his timetabled class and the class teacher is marking him Present. 

The correct option is selected to remove the incorrectly entered Timed Explained absence

To ensure that Alex's Overall (Official Attendance) absence is removed, the Class Teacher should select the option 'Alexander is Present...' > then click the Resubmit Class Roll, as Alex is physically in class for that period.

Correctly marked present in class and overall 

Scenario 3: Admin have entered a Timed Explained absence which requires Alexander to leave class early

Alex is leaving school early for an appointment and returning at a later stage in the day. He has an existing Timed Explained absence entered into his Overall attendance for the day. 

Timed Absence in Overall column visible in PxP class

As Alex is Present in the class at the start of the period when the roll is being marked, the class teacher is marking him Present.  

A conflict occurs because the Overall Timed absence is due to start when this period is running. So, whilst the student is Present during marking, they are expected to be leaving the class early. 

The correct option is selected to retain the existing Timed Explained absence

To ensure that Alex's Overall (Official Attendance) absence is retained, the Class Teacher should select the option 'Alexander is Absent...' > then click the Resubmit Class Roll.

Correctly marked early leave in class and timed overall

To prevent the conflict here, the staff member would have marked the student 10-minute Early Leave from class.

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