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How do I create or Import a Checklist?

Navigate to: 
  • Academic Reports > Select the Reporting Period > Academic Reports Setup
  • Assessment Schemas (left menu)  > Edit against the Schema you are creating the Checklist for
  • Click Edit >> against Subject you are creating the Checklist for
  • Click Edit Checklist Items 
  • Type into the field Enter a new checklist item for this group and press Enter – your checklist will create each item as Enter is pressed each time

* Ensure you create all items in the Checklist
When you have entered in your last item in the Checklist, ensure you hit Enter to make it an item in the list. If you click ‘Save’ with the last item still entered into the entry field, you will ‘lose’ the last item, as it wasn’t entered as part of the Checklist. Examples of each scenario below: 

Click Save to successfully create your checklist and return to the Assessment Schema

Click Save now – you will lose your last checklist item!

Checklist Groups
To create Groupings of items (eg. Such as Strands), you can use the Checklist Group feature.

To create a new group, type the heading into the ‘Enter the heading of the Checklist Group to add’, then click Add. This will create a second group for you to create further checklist items under – screenshot below.

Re-Order Checklist Items/Groups
If you wish to re-order items in the checklist, drag-and-drop the items (or groups) using the handle icon.

Import Checklist
You can create your checklist item: 
  1. In a text document and upload; or 
  2. Copy-and-paste each item into the field available. 

Import Content
If you wish to create a Checklist based on the existing Curriculum Reference content, click the blue Import Content button and select which type of content you wish to import.

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