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How do I create Daily Notices?

Daily Notices are like staff messages but have 2 extra functions;
1. A Daily Notice can be segmented into year Groups messages
2. Daily Notices can be created for specific dates 

On the dashboard, you will see a link on the top left called My Dashboard. This is a drop down menu with a number of sub items.

  • Click on My Dashboard
  • Select Daily Notices
  • If notice is for a day different than today, select the day from the calendar on the right
  • Click New Daily Notice
  • Type in your message details, and click Send.
This will publish this notice to the Dashboard of all staff members.

Staff can Mark as Read (which files it away and moves it from the dashboard) but cannot reply. 

A list Daily Notices will appear as well as the option to click on calendar dates in bold, that will display Daily Notices by Term.

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