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STATS Attendance Reporting for Non-Government Schools

Schools are required to provide Attendance information to Government twice a year. 

The STATS uses reference periods for its data.  A reference period is the start date and end date to which the data provided relates.  The STATS has two reference periods which relate specifically, and only, to school day sand do not include non-school day.

Reference Period: Semester 1 (term 1 and 2) and Semester 2 (term 3 and 4)

  • Go to School Attendance >  Attendance Administration > Export Absences 

Note: If you do not see Export for Stats go to Attendance Setup >  General Settings >  Export Type > Stats

  • Export attendance Date range – enter dates specified for the reporting period.
  • Semester Based Tallies – select this option for Semester 1 reporting 
  • Term Based Tallies – select this option for Term 3 reporting
  • Tick Restrict to standard STATS year groups (Year 1 to Year 10).
  • Only include dates where the student was marked on the roll - Enabled (checked) - percentage = # days absent / # days enrolled during selected Reference Period
    Disabled (un-checked) - percentage = # days absent / Total # days selected in Reference Period
  • Include a header row – only tick header row for checking of data. If you export the file with header rows for checking you will need to re-run report without header row before uploading
  • Tick - Restrict to standard STATS year groups
  • Click Export for STATS – A CSV file is exported for you to upload to the government using the School Entry Point.
##Semester/Term based tallies -- will define how the percentages are calculated:
   Semester = Total # absences across the semester / # days in semester
   Term = # days absent / # days per term
A student may have a higher %age attendance where the absences are spread across a semester vs. if they were absent a lot during 1-term, resulting in them falling below the 90% threshold if term-based were chosen.

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