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How do I add EAL/D to my primary school reports(NSW schools)?

Many schools are required to reports of English as another Language/ are the steps to support this function.

  • Add the EAL/D Subject via Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Subjects click on Add Subject from Repository
Select as per below:

  • Scroll down and click on Add
  • This subject will then show in Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Subjects 

  • Recommend that you click on Edit for EAL/D subject and change as per below as both mainstream English and EAL/D are named English and this will avoid confusion when performing above). 

  • Creating a lifeskills cohort for the EAL/D students. Navigate to Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Classes
  • Click on Students for the mainstream class/es which contains EAL/D (Lifeskills) students

  • Click on Add Lifeskills Cohort and click Confirm

  • Click Move to Lifeskills for the students reguired and click Confirm

Perform 2) for each mainstream class which has EAL/D students. If there is no EAL/D scale already defined, Add a scale to use for the EAL/D subject, via:

  • Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Scales
New Scales may be added using the options in the right side of the screen, 

  •  To add a new scale click on 'Select Type' from the drop down list select achievement.
  • Select the Grade Only (A,B,C) Scale Style from the list.
  • Use the drop down list to Select the Size - the number of values that this scale will contain (usually 4). Once this has been saved it cannot be changed. 
  • Click on the Add Scale button to save your work. 
  • Enter scale details and click on Save.
  • Navigate to Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Assessment Scheams
  • You can Create a New Schema or Copy an exisiting one.

  • Note: We recommend to copy and tweak the schema as per below

    • Click on Assign Classes for the EAL/D schema

  • Assign the Lifeskills classes, created as result of 2). 

  • Scroll down and click Save
  • Click on Edit for the EAL/D schema 

  • Untick the box for the mainstream English subject (only if EAL/D students are not doing both English and EAL/D.
  • Tick the box for EAL/D subject and set as required, then click on Save Assessment Criteria

  • For EAL/D the scale is not the default, to set this in the schema click on the Edit next to the subject and change the Achievement scale to the EAL/D one as per 3).  

  • If required - create a EAL/D subject layout (look of printed subject) via Setup Academic Reports > Layouts > Report
  • Templates > Template_Name > click on Subject Layouts
  • You can Duplicate an existing subject layout template

  • Click on No Subjects for the copied subject layout.  

  • Select the EAL/D subject and click on the Save button.

  • Click on Edit Template to add/remove components. 


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