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How do I create online Interview sessions?

Schools can now add remote or online Parent/teacher interview sessions. 
The first step would be to;
Create New session - ensure parents are informed this is online either in the naming of the interview, or when you push to the portal.

NOTE: Any teacher can access this feature. It is up to the schools to preset and organise the online meeting software and scheduling. Sentral simply enable the URL links to be imported into the software so they are visible when making appointment times and in the email confirmation. 

Within online Session Management you will see:
  • All the Staff associated with this interview session
  • Staff ID’s
  • The classes they are associated with
  • A Virtual Meeting Link Field – this will be empty until populated by school
  • An Other Meeting Details field – this will be empty until populated by school
  • Meeting links are distributed on a per staff member basis which means all parents receive the same link and staff need to manage admitting parents to the meeting, lobby, waiting room based on the third-party software being used.  
1. Go to Actions > Manage Online Session Details 

2. Export Meeting Details generates an XLSX file. Populate the meeting link and other details/comment fields in the file.   

It is important that you do NOT edit or change the existing fields or their order as this will break the import.

The link for the meeting must begin with https://

The Other meeting field is unrestricted and can contain phone numbers, notes, directions.

All these details will be visible to the parent. 

3.  Import Meeting Detail – select the saved XSM file that has the detail for the online meeting sessions. Once imported correctly, with no errors, the page refreshes and displays the links and details.

Note that the files are interview session specific, so you will need a separate file for each session you run.

If there is a problem with the file, you will see an error message explain where the problem lies.

Check onscreen that your meeting links look as expected.

If the school needs to correct something (e.g. they attached a link to the wrong teacher), reuploading the file with corrections will overwrite the existing data.

The Parents will see the Virtual Meeting Link AFTER they have booked their interview.

They can click on join to open the meeting link.

The links will be provided in an email confirmation to the parent. 

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