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My newsfeed failed, how can I fix this?

Newfeeds can be sent to parents and can be accessed by the Portal and the App.
Sometimes those newsfeeds don't quite make it to the intended parents, why?

Newsfeeds can fail because;  the user has deleted the app, the user has the app installed but is not logged in, or the user has installed the app, logged in but turned off the notifications as examples

How can you find out what to do?

Staff can go to:
  • Portal Console >  Manage Feed Items to review and assess recipients and the status of the Push notification

The NEW App status provides just that level of information.

Success: The push notification was successfully sent to selected recipients.

Failed, Try again: A fatal error was encountered when sending the push notification. This could indicate a network error or an issue contacting the app.
  • Push the button aligned to the feed item to Try again (will only attempt to resend failed push notifications, so you won't spam everybody)
Warning, Try again: The push notification was sent, however not all recipients were available. This could mean that the users have not registered for an account, or that they were logged out. 
  • Push the button aligned to the feed item to Try again (will only attempt to resend failed push notifications, so you won't spam everybody).
N/A: The feed item did not send a push notification.

  • Click on Recipients to identify the warning or failed list  

A status of failed or Success will be noted against each recipient.  

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