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Why are parents & students seeing old or obsolete documents in the Portal?

Items found within the School Resources section of the Portal are controlled from the Documents module, within the Portal Documents tab.

If a document is relevant only for specific people, or for a specific periods of time, you can manage this by setting restrictions on it.

Date Range: This will make the document available for a defined time period. For example, you can set the date range to a particular calendar year (2020) and parents will not see the document after the year has ended.

School Year: This will restrict access to a specific school year. If it is set to Year 8 then only students in that year, and their parents, will be able to access it.

Historical School Year: This allows a document to be tagged to students and follow them throughout their school career. If the restriction is set to students who were in year 7 in 2021, then those students and their parents will be able to access the document while they are enrolled at your school. However, students who were in year 7 in 2022 will not be able to access it.

Alternatively, if you no longer want the document to be accessible at all, you can delete it within the Portal Documents tab. 

Note that if you do this, the file will no longer be stored on Sentral.

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