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How do I bulk manage whole school attendance during CoVid?

Should your school decide or be directed to engage in remote teaching, you may still be required to mark rolls. Sentral cannot advise you how you should mark rolls in this time; your school
should follow the advice of its governing body.

If the advice from your governing body is to mark all students who are in remote learning in a particular way (absent, ‘school business’), this can be bulk managed from the administration tools in the School Attendance module – the bulk absences tool. 

Assuming you do have sufficient access:
  • Access School Attendance > Attendance Administration > Bulk Absences as a sub option

  •  You can then filter  (by year, house, roll class, class, activities, student0 and then either select individual or click on the select all button:  

  •  On the right- hand side menu, you can then select the length of the absence, what the type of absence is and add a comment.  

  • Click the Save button will add those absences to the student record.

If teachers are still responsible for confirming a student is checked into the classroom virtually, they can mark their roll as normal – the absence bulk loaded will appear on their roll.  

 If a teacher clicks on the absence for the day, the comment entered at the bulk absence screen will appear: If a student does not check into the remote lesson or comes in late or leaves early, the system can allow you to adjust the absence as normal.

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