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How do I record remote learning issues?

You may wish to review as a school your current wellbeing incident types and details,– and see if there are any remote specific details you may wish to add (such as “no/unreliable internet
access”, “no suitable study space at home” etc) to make sure your school wellbeing team can record and plan for any remote specific difficulties or issues students may face.

If you do have a category for this type of recording, you can either create a new wellbeing subcategory or add details to an existing sub-category (please note, this requires administration level access to the Wellbeing module).

Go to Wellbeing > Wellbeing Setup > Categories 

You will likely want to connect these data records to a something neither positive nor negative (so perhaps a neutral category, or remote learning category). If you already have a suitable category you can click on the Edit button (or if you want to create a new category, you can do so by clicking on the Add Category button first and giving it a title).
  Once you have clicked on the edit, you will see details about this incident category.   

If you have just created a new category, by default the category should be set to “Hidden” for both the student and parent portal (you may likely wish to keep it this way, to avoid confusing
parents with any new records you are going to create).
Scrolling down the screen you will come to the Incident Types. Your school may wish to create a 'Remote Learning Issues” or similar type. You can do this by clicking on the green New Type button.
  Name the new type

  Once the type has been created, you will be taken straight into the editing of that type (the same as if you had clicked on the Edit button in the screen above):
  You can then add the particular details your school is keen on recording (such as “No Internet at Home”, “No Computer or Similar”): under Incident Detail. 

  Your school then may wish for all roll call teachers to perform an audit of classes to see what students have what remote learning issue concerns. This can be done very quickly in the incident functionality, via bulk adding.  
  The roll call teacher simply needs to click on the incident category and select the type;  

  And then in the “Students Involved” search box – type in the name of the roll call: All the students in the class will then appear, and individual students can be selected (or the whole class selected and individual students deselected as required):  

  The relevant details can then be ticked for the students.

And a notification sent the relevant person or group: Just like any other wellbeing incident, those with sufficient access will be able to run reports on the details – as well as search via sub groups (male students in year 3, ATSI female students etc) including via class group s (in case a high school teacher wants to see who in their class has remote learning issues.


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