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How do I setup early start classes?

Schools often have classes prior to the official start of the day possibly called period 0. 

  • Exclude those periods from the flexible set up
  • Usually before school classes are marked for internal attendance only, so does not get synced to their regular attendance.  
  • This is the usual set up for schools that have before school classes. they take rolls internally via PXP, but they also remove those periods from the flexible slots. that way they can keep a record of the student’s attendance for the class, but their overall attendance is still reflective of their attendance for normal school hours 

If before/after school or any other periods throughout the day are imported from Timetables into PxP as 'Other' and rolls are unable to marked for classes in these periods, you will need to modify the Period Type by going to:

Class PxP > Class PxP Setup> Timetable/Period Setup > click on the period > Set Type: Period > ensure that Sync to Attendance options is DISABLED** > Save.

Note: You cannot synchronise PxP classes to Attendance that fall outside of School Start/End times - if you require specific school years to have varied start/end times, please ensure this is configured within Attendance > Attendance  Setup > School Times. 

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