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How do I mark a roll?

To Mark a roll, follow the steps below;

  • Select the Sentral Waffle Icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Select School Attendance 
  • To mark the current days roll, click on the Mark Today's Roll button in the centre of the screen.
  • If there are any flags for a student, they are displayed by the red flag, with medical flags showing the red + sign.

By default, the roll will assume all students are present for the whole day.

  • To mark a student absent for a day, click on the dot aligned to their name.
  • A dialogue box displays allowing staff to choose whether it is a whole or partial and what type of absence it is.
  • Select whether the student is absent, whether it is explained or unexplained.
  • Fill out the relevant fields and click OK to save.

Note: To add a student as a whole day (W) just double click the dot next to their name.

When you have made a variation, a visual indicator will appear against the student, with an appropriate code and colour.

  • For any students who are present but not in required uniform, hover over the box to the left of their green dot - a grey person icon will appear. If you click the icon, it will now change student to be flagged out of uniform.
  • When your roll is accurate and you have finished completing the roll, scroll down to the end of the students at the base of the column and click on Submit Roll button.

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