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How can I get Xero overpayments and prepayments to appear in Sentral?

Overnight sync
Sentral automatically retrieves recent overpayments and prepayments from Xero for all debtors every night. This overnight sync retrieves overpayments and prepayments from the last 90 days. 
The 90-day date range is based on the date specified for the overpayment/prepayment transaction in Xero, rather than the date on which the transaction was entered into Xero. 
If you enter an overpayment into Xero today but you specify a date that is more than 90 days ago, Sentral would not retrieve that overpayment in the next overnight sync.
To retrieve overpayments and prepayments for a specific debtor from outside the 90-day date range that is covered by the automatic overnight sync, open the debtor in Sentral and click the Sync Prepayments/Overpayments from Xero button on the Debtor Overview screen. This will retrieve all overpayments and prepayments for the debtor, regardless of the date.

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