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Create a payable fee for third party non-student contacts

To create a payable fee for third party non-student contacts, you will need to create a standalone fee and publish to Portal.
1. From the Finance module, expand the Fee Creation menu.
2. Select Standalone fee
3. Complete the details in Fee Items.
4. Below Group By select Contact
5. Below Bill to select Contact
5. Under Search Contacts
    a. If you have previously created the non-student contact you may just search the name in the search box.
    b. If it's a new contact, click add-non student contact

6. Once the contact is selected, they will now be allocated the fee amount
7.  Select Generate and then Run.
8. You will be redirected to the fee register showing the fee as "AUTHORISED". Select the fee
9. Select Actions and then Publish to Portal
10. An email will be sent to the non-student contact email address you have set up with a "guest portal link" which they can click on to pay online.

If at any point the non-student contact requests for the quickpay link to be sent to a different email than the one you have set up, you may follow the steps below to get the link to send manually.

Guest Portal Link - The guest portal link allows for other family members or friends to make payment via the Portal (with limited secure access). This option is used when others want to pay online and are not registered Portal users. This link is also provided to the nominated contact when the Payment Request is published to Portal.

To do this:
1. From the Finance module, select Sentral Pay, and choose Payment Requests.
2. Filtering options are displayed for use, along with returned data. If required, select filtering options, and select Filter.
3. Payment Request data will be shown below.
4. Select the applicable payment request by checking the individual Request ID.
5. Select Show Quick Pay Link. This provides the link to the guest portal, which can be emailed for secure online payment.
    Sync with Linked Fee – this option could be used for troubleshooting under the guidance of Sentral Support.

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