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How do the "Adjustment" calculations work?

Sentral Markbook has a number of different Adjustment calculations. Below is a description, details, and some things to be aware of when using the different adjustment calculations.


Description: Minuses the set percentage from a chosen mark column
Accepts: Two columns multiplier and percentage
Selects column 1 for mark to deduct from
Selects column two for multiplier
Calculation column shows the mark after the calculation


Description: Allows the mean and standard deviation of one column to be applied to another

Accepts: Exactly two columns
This calculation uses the same process as standardise, except that the mean and standard deviation are taken from another column
  • Any missing values for columns will cause this calculation to skip the student and give them an N/A.
  • The results will be scaled if the total maximum marks of the values being added are different to the result's maximum mark.

Multilinear mapping

Description: Used to modify the shape of the distribution for a set of marks using mapping points. Key points in the original marks are mapped to destination marks with marks distributed between and including consecutive mapping pairs being stretched or squashed. These are linear, so if we have two mapping pairs of 20 -> 40 and 40 -> 50, a student's result of 30 would be mapped to 45, and a result of 25 would be mapped to 42.5.
Accepts: Exactly one column, and two or more consecutive mapping pairs
Mapping pairs should be consecutive and not overlap, though they may be ordered as ascending or descending. Mapping 20 -> 30 and 30 -> 20 is not valid.
This calculation also adds two assumed mapping points of 0 -> 0 and (original maximum mark) -> (mapped column maximum mark).
Consecutive mapping points are allowed to be equal, 20 -> 30 and 40 -> 30 is allowed (all values between 20 and 40 would be mapped to 30).
Value are not rescaled.


Description: This changes rescales a column to a new maximum mark

Accepts: Exactly one column
Notes: This calculation is used as a secondary calculation when rescaling is required.


Description: This changes a column's mean and standard deviation
Accepts: Exactly one column, one new mean and one new standard deviation
This calculation uses the same process as moderate, except that the user specifies what the new mean and standard deviation will be
Values are not rescaled

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