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How do I setup Accelerated Students in Separate Reporting Periods?

Accelerated students present an interesting situation, where they are doing subjects across different year levels. This is most common with Year 10 students doing Year 11 courses, or Year 11 students doing HSC courses. The information below assumes you are working on a Year 10 student, doing an accelerated Year 11 subject.

Note: This requires Administrator Access to Sentral Reports.

There are two options for handling this scenario, depending on how you wish to collate the report for the Year 10 student. 

Option 1.
Import the Year 10 student only into the Year 11 Reporting Period and manually add the Student to the Year 11 Music Class. To do so, go to: 
  • Academic Reports > Select Year 11 Mid Year Reporting Period (
  • Academic Reports Setup 
  • highlight in Blue the Year 10 cohort of Year Levels
  • click Save to apply
  • go to Reporting > Classes 
  • click Import from Sentral Data Layer 
  • Select NONE on ALL sections and highlight in Blue the Year 10 Accelerated Student's Roll Class ONLY
  • Import - this will then add the Student's class to the reporting period
  • go to Reporting > Students >
  • lookup the accelerated student in the list and click the drop-down menu alongside their name
  • click View Student's Classes
  • manually Add the Student to the Year 11 Music Class. 
  • To ensure no other imports of Year 10 classes occurs in future, it would be recommended to go back to the Reporting Period step above and switch off the Year 10 Year Level cohort (de-select to Grey and Save). 

This will enable the Year 10 student to be entered as part of the Year 11 Music class, even though they are timetabled differently. Please note: if you decide to use this method, then the student's report will be separately generated from their Junior Report, unless you setup all Year 10 Schemas and Subjects for that student within the Year 11 Reporting period, which will then enable collation as one report, rather than separate. 

Option 2.

  • Create the Year 11 Subject within the Junior Reporting Period and assign the Year 10 Student's class to this schema.  
  • This will enable the Year 10 Accelerated student's report to be collated as a single report, all year 10 and 11 course pages together in the one document. 

You can use a combination of the above options to allow - for Course Results Exam Marks, Rankings etc. - to have the Year 11 and 10 Students studying the Music Course to be setup within BOTH reporting periods, which means you would: 
  • setup Option 1 and enter applicable data for the purposes of the Year 11 Students ONLY; and 
  • setup Option 1, but in the reverse within the Junior Reporting Period, allowing for Import of the Year 11 students, and then setting up the Course Results, Faculty Schema setup etc. within the Junior Reporting Period for that course ONLY.  
This will enable the Report in full, with any applicable course results to be generated completely for the Year 10 student as one document. 

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