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How do I export Progression Point data to Cases21?

Updated 20/09/18
Sentral Reports has a built-in export which presents the data in a format Cases21 accepts. Sentral will export a file, which can then be imported into Cases21.

Step 1:

Go to Academic Reports > Export Data > CASESPRS212 Export to generate the export file


Step 2:

Select the appropriate settings for your current version of CASES21.

Note: The correct settings may change with updates to CASES21 or changes to the curriculum. As of September 2018, selecting these options should produce a valid file for import:

If, when the file is uploaded to CASES21, you receive the error:

ERROR: XML Validation: Invalid simple type value:

Please try other available Export Format versions. If all existing versions produce the same error, please notify Sentral and provide a copy of the error message from CASES21.


Step 3:

Ensure that all subjects/strands you intend to export are linked to the appropriate Victorian Curriculum subject/strand. This ensures that the exporter uses codes that CASES21 will recognise when creating the file.

Subjects that are correctly linked will be marked with a tick.

 If a subject or strand is unlinked, you can click the edit button aligned to it, then select the appropriate option from the Domain dropdown:  

Note: You may see a warning message indicating that some subjects are not marked with progression points. This can be safely ignored if you have decided to not enter teacher judgements for some students (e.g. if Foundation students are only receiving a comment for a given subject in the current reporting period). However, if students have been given a non-progression point grade in any subject, you will need to follow the above process to unlink those subjects. Otherwise your export will contain invalid values.


Step 3:

Import the data into CASES21. The path should be:

Students > Achievements > Imports/Exports > Import Student Results

However, as CASES21 may update without Sentral’s knowledge, if you are having difficulty locating the import path, please contact the CASES21 team for updated instructions.


Potential Issues and Fixes:


1) If when exporting you receive an error in the format:

Element 'DOMAIN': 'SCI' is not a valid value of the local atomic type

This indicates you have a subject or strand linked to an AusVELS domain.

Go to Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Subjects and check the linking for each subject. Attaching the subject to its appropriate Victorian Curriculum equivalent should resolve the issue.


2) If when exporting you receive an error in the format:

Element 'SCORE': '-4.0' is not a valid value of the local atomic type.

This indicates your progression scale has been set to the type AusVELS and a student has been given a -4, -3, -2 -1 or 0 score. The ‘below Foundation’ scores are formatted as A, B, C, D when using the Victorian Curriculum scale; the ‘0’ score does not exist on this scale.

In this case we strongly recommend that you correct your scale under Setup Academic Reports > Reporting > Scales and re-enter your progression point values to ensure you have correct data across the school.


3) If you receive an error in the format:


This indicates you have a student with an unrecognised CASES21 ID. This usually means a student has changed their surname, resulting in a new ID format. If this occurs, please contact Sentral immediately and provide the details of the old and new IDs so the data can be mapped together.

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