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How do I Send an SMS or Email Message?

Sentral messaging allows you to send messages to different contacts, both via Email and SMS. SMS messages are charged at 10c per message, and you will need to contact the Sentral Education Helpdesk to get your account setup if you have not already.

  • Go to Messaging > Send Messages > Send SMS and Email

  • Select your Message Type - ie Email or SMS. Email will be selected by default, and has no cost attached.
  • If sending an Email, Select  if you are sending from School email or your own.
  • If School Email you will need to add From Name 
  • Select who you are sending To - You can lookup existing contacts by clicking on the [+] on the right hand side. 
  • You can select from Cohorts, Groups, or Individuals
    • Cohorts are automatically generated around timetable and student data
    • Groups are manually created in messaging
    • Individuals are all contacts Sentral knows about - ie Students, Staff, Parents, Emergency contacts, etc

  • Type in the Subject
  • Within the Message, you can select Merge Fields using the menu items across the top of the text box.

  • You can attach a file to an email by clicking on the attach button
  • Click the Send button to send your message once complete.
For emails, the recipient  (School or teacher) will receive the responses.
  • SMS messages are simpler to compose.
  • Schools should add their name into all messages to identify the sender as the message carrier number is NOT unique to your school. Dedicated numbers can be purchased for an ongoing fee.

NOTE: If you have a dedicated Mobile Number via Sentral, recipients can respond the general SMS. If you do not havea Dedicated Mobile number from Sentral, parents cannot respond to general SMS texts

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