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How do I log a ticket online with the Sentral Helpdesk?

Click On the Help Centre Icon.
Run a search first to se if there is a guide or FAQ.
 Lodge a Support request.  
It is best to lodge a support case on the actual module you need help with so we can identify the module.

Click on Lodge a Request

Please select from drop down and Issue Type 
  • General Enquiry
  • Something has broken or doesn't work 
Fill in the text box according to the type you selected. 

General Enquiry -
  1. Enquiry - provide detail of your enquiry - module (Attendance)  area within the module ( eg Sick Bay), what outcome or result you are trying to achieve 
  2. Other relevant information- this could pertain to a teacher, class or student. The information you believe will assist us in resolving your query 
We rely on the detail you provide to determine the priority assigned to a case. This includes important dates and specific school details to determine the priority. Requests without detail that ask us to call you will be closed. You will soon see changes to the widget that should help you to quickly provide information about your issue.  
Further detail can be accessed to this article. 

Select Submit 

Something has broken or doesn't work 
Please select who is affected by this issue

In the text boxes below provide as much detail as possible 
  1. Describe your issue - module, area within the module, the result you are trying to achieve and what the issue might be 
  2. Detail steps to replicate  the issue - what  steps,screens, buttons or tabs did you select that resulted in this being an issue
  3. Other relevant information - if this affects a teacher/s, student, class, roll class please provide this information

Please be as detailed as possible, as the more detail you can provide, the quicker your issue can be diagnosed and rectified. Open ended or generic requests will often be met by a response from the support team requesting further information, so providing this up front saves this step!

Click on Submit when done.

You will receive a case-ID. Please take note of this ID. You will also receive this information to your nominated email address.

Why should I lodge a case?

The benefits to using the widget to lodge an issue include:

  • Improved security – you are automatically verified as a user of Sentral
  • Automatic addition of system details that we use to diagnose your issue, such as;
  • a link to the page you are on when you opened the Need Help Widget (which should be the page you are having trouble with)
  • your login details and user permissions in the system
  • the browser type and version you use and
  • the version of Sentral currently on your system
Case prioritisation

Cases are prioritised to ensure that we are working on the issues with the greatest impact before something that affects fewer users, involves less critical business functions or where there is a work-around available. More information on case prioritisation is available via a link displayed above the agent signature on cases lodged in the support system.

How can you help us to prioritise your issue correctly?

We rely on the detail you provide to determine the priority assigned to a case. This includes important dates and specific school details to determine the priority. Requests without detail that ask us to call you will be closed. You will soon see changes to the widget that should help you to quickly provide information about your issue.

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