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How do I link a Wellbeing Incident Type with PxP Quick Incidents?

Sentral Class PxP has Quick Incidents, which allow you to quickly create a Wellfare Incident from your PxP screen. This is particularly useful for class related things which may become noticeable whilst marking the roll, such as Good Class Behaviour.

You can setup Category Details within Wellbeing to link to Attendance PxP Rolls as a Quick Incident, which can then be tallied up using the Wellbeing application.
To setup the Wellbeing Category (eg. Good Behaviour in Class) to link with Attendance PxP, go to: 
  • Wellbeing > Wellbeing Setup > Categories
  • Edit the Category
  • Edit the Category Incident Type to link with Label
  • Here you'll find the field: Allow as a Quick Incident with Label - create a 4-character code that staff will associate with this Incident Type from within PxP.Once this has been configured, when Staff mark their PxP roll, they'll be able to: 

Go to Class PXP > Class PxP Setup > Roll Display > switch Quick Incidents to Yes

  • Tick the student to apply the Quick Incident too
  • Click on the red circle at the top of the column > select Quick Incident > Create >  select from dropdown the incident type > Add comment 
  • Save to apply.
  • The Incident will be flagged against each student

  • Go to Wellbeing and on your homepage (if applicable) you may have a Reports pinned for Todays Incidents or go to the Incident Register 
  • Click on the Incident to finalise and complete with more detail 

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