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Where can I get Census Report?

  • Go to Export > Australian Government > School Census 
  • The Non-Government Schools Census provides the community and government with information about schools and students in Australia.
  • The export on this page will generate the data in the correct format to match the data requirements to be used in conjunction with the government's Census Upload Tool Excel Spreadsheet.
  • While Sentral makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information, schools should review the results of these exports to ensure they are consistent with their knowledge of students before submission. Due to a number of new fields added to the census which are not yet available within Sentral, you will be required to fill in those missing values within the spreadsheet tool. Once you complete all the data entry and validation work, you can then quickly generate an XML file within Census Upload Tool and upload it onto SchoolsHUB site in order to complete your census reporting this year.
  • For more detailed instructions on how to complete your census reporting this year, please go on to our Sentral support site for Non-Government Schools Census Reporting 2021.

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