Sentral Profiles 2 Overview
For the better part of the last decade, Sentral’s Profiles module has been the one-stop shop for student information. It has also served as the starting point for many Sentral features that have now “grown up” into dedicated modules of their own – such as the PlansThat’s why we’ve been working on a fresh look to Profiles with a few goals in mind:
- Introducing at-a-glance timeline of all activity in a student’s schooling life
- Updating all the views to ensure all current Sentral information is available
- Collating all communications for a student into a single register
- Strong use of visual representations to summarise student data
- Focusing on displaying, filtering and interacting with student data – not creation
- Removing legacy functionality that is duplicated by other Sentral modules
- New student timeline of all student activity
- Reworked menu structure to better reflect the data Sentral now offers
- Easy access to Student Notes facility
- Unified correspondence register of all communications
- Ensure all current Sentral data is available in the Profile
- Removal of obsolete functionality
- New unified student profile dialog across modules
- Cleaner display of student flags
- Improvements to display of complex family relationships
- Access to past student history (year, roll group, teacher)
- Improved visibility of supplementary details
- Streamlined notification of student’s teachers and parents
- Real-time filtering from the home screen quick search criteria
- Expanded quick search criteria
- Summary tiles of common school demographics on the home screen
If switched on you will se the View Profiles V2 button.

Both Profiles interfaces will exist side-by-side so the many features can be accessed.
Once all
this is completed then we will provide advance notice before the old interface
is finally retired, allowing your staff time to become comfortable with the
changes before they become permanent. We will run several webinars on the new
interface to assist schools with making the changes closer to the time.
Changing the Default Interface
Go to;
- Profiles Setup > General Settings > Profile Version
- change the
- click Save.
This will change the default for all users. You can easily revert this at any stage, or jump back to the old Profiles interface by clicking the View Profiles V1 button.

Major Changes
New student timeline: The timeline view of student data, shown on the initial page of a student’s profile, allows you to see a chronology of that student activity/events. Where appropriate, these are hyper-linked to take you straight to the relevant record. You can use the slider at the top to look at different time periods in a student’s life, and in a future update you will be able to toggle on and off the different types of events that are displayed in the timeline. Almost any date-stamped record or event will be shown in the student timeline, such as
- A
student’s absence from school
- Their
involvement in a wellbeing incident
- A
new plan creation
- A
student’s academic report being published
- Participation
in various school/extra-curricular activities
Unified correspondence register: The Correspondence Register provides a single, centralised view of all correspondence for a student sent and received from all Sentral modules. The advantage of this is that it is automatically updated with a copy of every email, SMS and letter that is generated and/or received by Sentral. You can also add manual records at any time – for instance, recording the details of a phone call with a parent or notes from a face-to-face meeting. This provides a single consolidated view of all correspondence with parents or carers of a student. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions below for more details on this feature.
Other Enhancements
Unified student profile dialog: The Student Profile Dialog is being rolled out across all Sentral modules, and provides a consistent snapshot of student information from the ‘student’ view of any Sentral module. This provides basic student details; contact information, timetable and will soon add sibling details.
Cleaner display of student flags: Student flags are now collapsed to the sidebar where they take up less space and remain visible on every screen in Profiles. Notes can be viewed by hovering over the (i) symbol, and when many flags are present, can be expanded by clicking on the “All Flags” link.
Improvements to display of complex family relationships: The contacts display now supports improved complex relationship information from external data sources, including support for multiple families and more than 2 contacts per family. This may not be available in all data sources just yet as it has to be wired up one by one.
Access to past student history: The student’s past school years, roll groups and teacher information is now available under the Student History tab.
Streamlined notification of student’s teachers and parents: A new Notify Teachers button on the left-hand sidebar unifies email and Sentral notifications of teachers. It will soon also provide shortcuts for notifying a student’s parents via the Portal.
Expanded quick search criteria: New filters have been added allowing additional criteria to search and filter student lists.
Summary tiles on home screen: The summary tiles show common school demographics, with quick links to show the relevant student groupings. We would welcome any suggestions for further additions!