Welcome to Sentral Education's feedback forum. Here you can look through or add ideas on how we can improve "Sentral", your school and student management software.
How can we attach a new application to Alumni, Staff or Sibling?
How do we communicate from Admissions?
Where do we set up these email templates to message contacts in Admissions?
What does the Priority Status mean?
Why is there a roll appearing for my preschool class on a staff development day?
I have created roll classes for my preschool classes. When would I need to set up academic classes as well?
I have set up a fortnightly enrolment pattern for Term 1 and wish to have the same pattern for Term 2, but starting on the alternate week. How can I do this?
Will parents be able to see a preschool student’s attendance data in the portal?
What is a Flexible Class?
3PIv4 NSW - automatic absences export
How can I get absence explanations from parents?
Attendance - VIC Schools - Future Absence Requests defaulting to 211 Bereavement code
How do I disable an Automatic Absence Notification?
VIC - The 623, 624 and 625 Attendance Code
How do I create a new Activities Cycle ?
Managing activity-based groups in Sentral - NSW Department of Education (eg. Scripture, Excursions and Sport)
How do I ensure that my activities do not automatically rollover at the end of each cycle?
What does Activities - Student Portal Selection Period do?
How do I copy previous instances' lists into current activity cycle?
Export From EssentialAssessment for Successful Upload to Analysis
How to export NAPLAN data and Import into Analysis - NSW Department of Education
How to export NAPLAN data and Import into Analysis - NSW Independent schools
How to download ICAS data?
VIC - How do I import my NAPLAN data into Analysis ?
How do I get imported assets to display the Building and Location items within an Asset Register?
Transition from ebs to Sentral for managing Rooms - NSW Department of Education
Can an image or PDF of an asset be uploaded?
What is the best way to manage assess assigned to students?
Does Asset Manager have barcode capability?
Can I mark a roll in PxP for Multi-Periods?
What happens when I choose whether to sync the official roll call period for the day, or all rolls?
How do I setup my Period Structure?
A guide to using the Conflict Screen in PxP
How/Where do I generate a list of Students and All Classes Attendance Percentage?
Update Continuums Results into Reports
VIC Fact Sheet: Victorian Curriculum and Continuum Tracker
How do I link Continuums to Reporting Subjects?
Can I make my own Continuums?
Can I edit existing continuums to suit my school requirements?
How do I add or remove a widget for all users?
How to add the SunSmart Widget to your School Dashboard
How do I view/send Portal Messages?
How do I create Daily Notices?
Why can I not lodge a support case?
How do I administer special medication?
How do I create medication on an as needed basis?
How do I edit an ambulance report?
Configure medication expiry alerts – asthma inhalers and EpiPens - NSW Department of Education
Transition from ebs to Sentral for Health functionality - NSW Department of Education
How do I link Wellbeing Awards to accumulate House Points?
How do I update my house colours / house logo?
How do I link Activities to House Points using Default Points?
How do I link Activities for House Points per-Student?
House points and inactive students
How do I allow all staff to assign other staff to tasks in Issue Tracking?
Where can I access statistics in Issue Tracking?
How can you modify and change access permissions in Issue Tracking?
Can you set a deadline for issue tracking?
How do you close a task in issue tracking in Sentral?
What happens when a flexible student selects Flexible on Kiosk after their required Start Time?
Why are Headers and Footers printing on my Google Chrome Kiosk Slips?
How do I create a "service account" for my Kiosk?
My attendance slips are not printing correctly. How can I fix this?
Troubleshooting Java issues for Sentral Kiosk - For IT Admins
How do I assign a User to a Markbook?
How do I handle the Term 4 Year 11 into Year 12 HSC rollover?
How do the "Add" calculations work?
How do the "Adjustment" calculations work?
How do the "Grade" calculations work?
How do I create online Interview sessions?
How do I assign multiple teachers to a Roll Class in Parent Interviews?
Why are my Parents complaining about their Interviews being imported incorrectly to their Google Calendar?
How do staff block out periods of unavailability within Interview sessions?
Can I export Interview Notes?
Why are my purchase orders automatically approving?
Can I be notified when a Purchase Order has been approved?
Can I hide awaiting delivery approval stage?
Can I view modifications made to my Purchase Order?
Can I create notes on my Purchase Orders?
How do I create a booking ?
How do I import my Timetable information into Resource Booking?
How do I add New Resources?
How do I manually add a location?
Why are my Timetables class names not appearing in Resource Booking?
How do parents register for the app?
How can I determine what documents parents see?
A parent has submitted a Family Amendment Request, where does this go?
How do I allow parents to see Wellbeing information in the Parent Portal2?
How do I add links for parents in the portal?
Sentral Profiles 2 Overview
How can I access Diagnostics Records?
How do I setup a flag for a student?
How/Where do I generate a list of Students and All Classes Attendance Percentage?
Can I upload previous student reports?
Why are classes still appearing as "active' within Timetables on a Date Set as a Non-Attendance Date within Sentral Setup?
Edval Daily Configuration
How do I sync timetable data from Edval to Sentral?
Timetable Syncing to Sentral – Rollover Information for new year
How do I setup Flexible Timetabling?
How to add a teacher to Wellbeing drop down boxes?
Can staff receive wellbeing notifications?
Suspensions do not seem to be mapping to the correct attendance codes. How do I fix this?
How do I place a student on a Level or Suspension?
Some of the merge fields in Wellbeing letters are not capitalized properly. How do I fix it ?
Single Sign On (SSO) Readiness Checklist - NSW Department of Education
Victorian End of Year Process
EBS Decommission - NSW Department of Education
How do I create a new non-DoE staff member? - NSW Department of Education
Can I download Guides?
VIC 2021 - Reporting Student Achievement and Progress in Victoria
How do I report on EAL/D (English as another Language/Dialect)?
Comment Cleaning Tool - How does it work?
VIC - Achievement Data import for Cases 21
How do I print my student reports as a booklet ?
Can individual calendars be combined into one calendar view?
How do I remove a calendar?
Why can't I see a particular calendar in subscriptions ?
How do I share/publish a Sentral Calendar to an external program (Outlook, Skoolbag)
Can I change the colour for events in calendars?
Why is my student showing within Enrolments but not the rest of Sentral?
Why are some values not displaying/display incorrectly in some screens/exports?
Why are the contacts for my student not showing within the rest of Sentral (such as within the Student Profiles screen)?
Why are no emergency contacts showing in Sentral?
Why isn’t all the information within Enrolments visible in other areas of Sentral?
Why are the discount rates not being applied?
How do I receive a payment for a fee?
How to publish old EBS/Pop fees to portal
How do I verify Fees, Discount Rates and Contact Responsible for a Student?
Start to finish banking process
How can I get Xero overpayments and prepayments to appear in Sentral?
Why are discount rates not being applied?
There are no students appearing for selection in my Billing Run
How to verify Fees, Discount Rates and Debtors Responsible for a Student
How to Print an Invoice for a Parent
How do I message Both Primary Contacts?
How do I message Preferred Contacts?
How do I update my Sentral Messaging account balance ?
Parents are getting SMS messages that we didn't send
How Can I Check Messages have been sent?
Getting Started with Class Builder
How do upload my NEW Kindy & Reception students?
How are students placed in classes?
Can a class have multiple teachers (eg. Job sharing)?
Can I check Siblings or Same Names?
Insights - VIC NAPLAN data import
Insights - NSW NAPLAN import
How do I import future student data?
School Resource Pack for Portal App
Is there a parent app?
How do I create a news feed article on the portal?
How do parents register for the app?
Why are staff are missing from staff absences list?
How do I search for staff absences?
How can I view the list of casual/relief teachers?
How can I view a list of days a causal has covered for?
How does a teacher sign in and out so we can record staff movement?
How do I create a "service account" for my Visitor Kiosk?
Can staff sign in/out via the Visitor kiosk?
How do I check Visitors is formatted for a receipt printer or sticker printer?
Can I access Visitor Kiosk via an iPad?
Can I run a weekly/monthly report of Visitors?
Can I view Continuous assessments in Profiles?
Can we view student's assessment when they move to new classes?
Are there pre-requisites for using Continuous Assessment?
Can Staff look at a student view in Continuous Assessment?
Can we have a job share teacher for a class in Continuous Assessment?
What has changed in Admin Enquiry for NSW schools?
Can I generate a list of eldest student in family?
Is there a report that we can run that will provide summary of teachers and the subjects they teach?
How many columns and rows can I add?
Can I use ampersand ‘&’?
Can I import an excel into Roster module?
Can I edit and add more rows and columns?
Can Rosters be published to the Portal?
how do I add a student to a meeting?
Why might a staff member not be showing in meetings?
Can I change the template for meetings?
Can I edit a meeting?
Can I move meetings between categories?
How do I archive a student plan?
How do I set up notifications in Plans?
My plan needs to have goals related to the curriculum/syllabus, which template do I choose?
Can I print Plans?
Where can I find Student Plans in profile page?
What is the Sentral for Teachers app?
Will teachers be able to see other teachers' timetables in the app?
What security measures are in place for the teacher app?
How can I access the Sentral for Teachers App?
Will the evacuation roll call base its roll on the daily attendance or PxP?
How do I assign a User to a Markbook?
How do I add or remove a widget for all users?
How do I create a new Activities Cycle ?
How do I allow all staff to assign other staff to tasks in Issue Tracking?
What happens when a flexible student selects Flexible on Kiosk after their required Start Time?
1032 articles →